What’s the difference between building strength and building muscle?

While the goal of hypertrophy training is to tax the muscles for growth, strength training primarily focuses on trying to get the body to deliver more force in a given movement.

While muscle mass and strength correlate, these training methods yield different results. A powerlifter with far less muscle mass can often easily outperform a body builder at moving weight.

If your goal is to get strong, your training & nutrition program will focus on compound movements and lower rep schemes based on RPE (Rating of perceived exertion). You will be aiming to increase the load week after week and will be setting personal records (PRs) as a testament to your progress. Your nutrition will focus on quality whole foods that will provide you with the energy you require to perform optimally. Rest is also extremely important for your central nervous system to recover and fire during heavy lifts.

Other benefits to strength training include:

  • Increased daily energy

  • Improved Mental Health

  • Increased Hormonal Balance

  • Better sleep

  • Improved Anaerobic Endurance

  • Increased metabolism to help you burn more calories

  • Increased bone density

Is strength training right for you?

Book a free consultation with us to explore our training options.