PSA: Invest in High-Quality Tupperware 🫵

Meal prepping and eating healthy can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be difficult! Consistent, proper nutrition will greatly accelerate your fitness journey, and making the process as easy and sustainable as possible is a hack that will ensure your success.

Reflecting on my fitness journey, I recall each phase of my growth as I gradually mastered the basics. Like many, I began working out with little knowledge of nutrition. Over the years, I experimented with weight gainers, various protein powders, and supplements, eventually doing enough research to get a rudimentary understanding of what my body needs to perform optimally and build muscle.

Even when I started taking meal prepping more seriously, I would often fumble around in my cupboards full of old, mismatched (and even misshapen) Tupperware to eat on the go. When in a pinch, I would go wild hunting for that one set I relied on desperately - which would usually be stored, still dirty, in the dishwasher.

I practiced this less-than-perfect strategy until only several years ago when I decided enough was enough. I finally invested in quality glass Tupperware (because eating plastic isn't awesome) and have never looked back. I bought more than I needed, and let me tell you: the $100 I spent on it was well worth it considering how much stress I save on a daily basis. I'm Tupperware rich, and you should be too.

As James Clear writes in his best-selling book Atomic Habits: "Whenever you want to change your behavior, you can simply ask yourself: How can I make it obvious? How can I make it attractive? How can I make it easy? How can I make it satisfying?"

A fresh set of convenient Tupperware IS attractive, it's easy, and, hell, is it ever satisfying.

Now - If you're looking for advice on what you should be placing in that new, shiny Tupperware of yours, you know who to call! 🙋‍♂️


Peak week is officially here 🏔️


2 Weeks Out: A Stoic Reflection